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Welcome to fourth grade! 


Dear Parents,

Fourth grade is a very exciting year and we have many wonderful things planned for the students this year.

We would like to suggest some items that we feel would help your child be better organized at school.  If you would like to purchase your child’s school supplies it would be of great help to Noble School, as we continue to deal with budget cuts that will affect us this school year.  Please refer to the following list of items that we are recommending.


Each child should have::


Pencils / pencil sharpener                                          3 Folders

Colored pencils                                                          Scissors


1 single subject spiral notebooks (any color)



Classroom donations for the following are needed and appreciated:


paper towels                                                   pencil erasers

boxes of Kleenex                                            liquid hand soap and sanitizer

dry erase markers                                          glue sticks

pencils                                                            binder paper

wet wipes


We hope that you have had a wonderful summer.  We look forward to having your child in our classroom, and in seeing them on August 24th.




The Fourth Grade Team