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Welcome to Third Grade

Dear Parents,

The third grade team welcomes you and your child to the 2015-2016 school year!  As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we thought you would appreciate receiving a list of recommended school materials.  We realize each student has a limited area to store supplies so we have included a list of the basic materials.  Purchasing school supplies can help your child anticipate the start of school with a positive outlook.  All students will receive the needed materials to complete their assignments.

Mrs. Bettencourt's students should refer to the supply list received via mail.

Recommended School Supplies:

Two pencils                                                                 1 pair of Fisker's scissors (student size)
1 Glue stick                                                                 3 x 5 ruled index cards,100 (Mrs. Kline's class only)
1 large eraser                                                              1 folder for homework
1 box of crayons (16 or 24 - no larger)                        1 100 sheet composition book (not spiral)
1 pencil box ( approximately 8" x 5")                            1 package of wide ruled paper(for home use)
1 fine point Sharpie pen                                              1 small box of coloring pencils (6 to 12 in a box)
2 red ball-point pens     
Supplies to be shared with class:
1-2 boxes of Kleenex
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 paper towel roll
Please label all your child's items.  We hope this list proves helpful in preparing your child for third grade.  We are looking forward to the coming school year.


The Third Grade Team