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Noble Elementary School                  
Berryessa Union School District
Anjanette Winckler, Principal                                                                                        

3466 Grossmont Drive                                                                                                                    
San Jose, CA 95132-3199                                                                                                                           
Phone:   (408) 923-1935
FAX:    (408) 937-5006


Welcome to First Grade!

Dear Parents,

The first grade team would like to welcome you and your child to first grade.  We realize that part of the fun and enjoyment in looking forward to the beginning of a new school year is shopping for school supplies.  We have put together a list of supplies that you can look for at the Back to School sales.  Once you have purchased your child's supplies, please label everything with your child's name.

 School Supplies                                          Homework Supplies                                     
1 box 16 crayons                                                     1 box pencils
1 dozen #2 pencils (sharpened)                              Scissors
2 ball-point pens (red)                                             Glue
1 eraser                                                                   Crayons
1 small package pencil top erasers                         Pencil box to keep supplies in
1 box of 12 colored pencils                                     Children's dictionary
1 small bottle of Elmer's glue or 1 glue stick

Please do not bring backpacks, mechanical pencils, or markers to school.  We will provide a homework folder for your child.  Please set up a "homework corner" for your child to do his/her homework this year.  Special supplies should be kept in this place at home.

We hope you enjoyed your summer and look forward to meeting you and your child.


The First Grade Team
Mrs. Carino, Mrs. Jennifer Ford, Mrs. McManus, Mrs. Rose & Mr. Will Diamond