The Definition of ELAC
- Must meet a minimum of 3 times per year.
- Must have a membership of EL parents in at least the same percentage as EL students at the school (other members may be non-EL parents, school staff, etc.).
- Must elect one member to be the representative to DELAC.
Required topics by law:
- School Site Plan - English Learners (parents must have the opportunity to give input in the development of the plan).
- Conducting the school needs assessment (e.g. for Plan development, or survey given to parents at the end of the year).
- Collecting information for the R-30 (discuss what the R-30 is, how we collect the data; report of final R-30 numbers
- Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
Suggested other topics - choose as pertinent to your committee's interest:
- Site programs for ELs (could go over textbooks, such as Houghton Mifflin/Elementary Schools and High Point/Middle Schools)
- Explain the Master Plan (overall purpose; perhaps explain a different section at each meeting)
- Standards (especially ELD standards, which I have in Spanish)
- Report cards
- Supplemental ELD report card (Pupil Progress Profile)
- Promotion/retention criteria
- RESULTS (even a demo of the tests)
- The writing process / rubrics
- Curriculum maps
- No Child Left Behind / AYP
- CSTs - normative vs criteria reference tests: explain the difference and why CA emphasizes CST's
- SI - School Intervention programs
- Reclassification
- Parenting tips - e.g. "how to read with your child"
- The importance of homework (student responsibility, how it contributes to grades, setting a regular time/place for homework, etc.)
- Budget concerns - how they might affect the schools
- Any other topic the parents wish to learn about (take a survey)
Remember, ELAC stands for English Learners Advisory Committee - the more informed they are, the better involved they will be.